Thursday, October 04, 2007

Commitee Farewell

Hey everyone!! It is that time of the year again the new commitee have hosted their first upper room. And the old commitee are getting married with babies on their way, wait wait wait only joking about the last part.

We as old Commitee have finished so we thought why dont we all go have a great time toghether. So if you recieved an sms you are welcome to come and join us 8 Oct at 6 for 6:30 pm. It is R 65 per person but you can eat as much as you want, no drinks included. If you need to know were it is check out this link TUSCANBBQ.

Check out the video from the old commitee and staff.

Be blessed


Friday, March 23, 2007

How Do We Know Christianity Is RightOut Of All The Religions?

How Do We Know Christianity Is Right Out Of All The Religions?Of all the leaders in the world, Jesus alone claimed that he was God himself and backed that up with miracles and rising from the dead. If those things happened, then our quest for God stops with him.

So the question is: Are the NT documents historically reliable? I believe that they are, I'm going to give you three reasons. Please turn to Luke 1:1-4. Luke's intention was to record accurate history. Why should we believe that he did?

1. Whenever we put the NT to the test archeologically, it has been confirmed over and over again. We have been able to verify many details that are merely incidental. Legend isn't like this. Eg. the pools at Bethesda [John 5:2].

2. Jewish oral tradition. The disciples were to be very careful not to let legend and inaccuracy creep in.

3. The dating of the NT materials. AN Sherwin-White, 'Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament.' When an event happens and it is being retold up to 2 generations we get a solid core of information. We are within 6-7 years. Acts written 60-62 AD. Gospel of Luke had to be written earlier. Luke written 58-60 AD. Matthew and Mark before that. From Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection in 33 AD, this is within one generation. In Paul's letters, which can be dated to the latter part of the 30s, it is obvious that he is quoting creeds and established Christian beliefs. Jesus was regarded as God within 7-8 years. 'Jesus under Fire', JP Moreland. It is important for you to know that Christianity has evidence behind it. But at some point you have to step in and follow Christ as your personal saviour.

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